
Macro Photography

Painted Lady Butterfly copy

Dandalion clock on seed head cropped

Dragonfly eyes

Stag Beetle leg

2020-06-22-21.41.27 ZS PMax

Damsel Fly

Fleshmans Glass Frog

Pearl Cresant Butterfly

Question Mark Butterfy

Black Swallowtail wing

Spittal Bug

Sharp Shooter

Ambush Bug

Brown Millipede

Paper Wasp

Yellow Jacket

Rhubarb Curculio

Crane Fly Larva

Assasin Beetle nymph

Assasin Beetle nymph

Bug taking off flying right

Lady Bug taking off flying right

Sweat Bee and Aster

Azure Weevil

Veiled Chameleon

Crested Gecko

Tokay Gecko

Red Eye tree frog

Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frog

Horsefly eyes at 7X

Regal Jumping Spider

Scarlet and Green Leafhopper