
Macro Photography

Painted Lady Butterfly copy

Dandalion clock on seed head cropped

Red Eyed Tree Frog on bambo

Blue Tongue Skink

Red Eyed Tree Frog

Brown Millipede

Horsefly at 7X copy

Green Tree Python

Purple Harlequin toad

Regal Jumping Spider

Borneo Eared Frog

Solomon Island Leaf Frog

Super Tigerleg Tree Frog

Starry Night Reed Frog

Clown Frog on Iris

Nicaragua Strawberry Pumilio Dart frog

Blue Azureus Dart Frog

Painted Mantella Dart Frog

Green and Black AuratusDart Frog

Golden Mantella Dart Frog

Nicaragua Blue Jean Pulilio Dart Frog

Amazon Milk Frog

Fleshmans Glass Frog

Fleshmans Glass Frog

Super Tigerleg Tree Frog

Red Eye Tree Frog

Clown Frog


Clown Frog

Tokay Gecko

Veiled Chameleon

Red Eye tree frog

Crested Gecko

Vietnamese Mossy Tree Frog

Red Knee Tarantula

Rose Hair Tarantula

Yellow Jacket

Damsel Fly

Spittal Bug

Sharp Shooter

Azure Weevil

Ambush Bug

Paper Wasp

Dragonfly eyes

Pearl Cresant Butterfly

Comma Butterfly

Rhubarb Curculio

Crane Fly Larva


Black Swallowtail wing

Sweat Bee and Flower

Scarlet and Green Leafhopper

Ant Lion

Ball Python

Ambronia Alligator Lizard

Leopard Gecko

Leopard Gecko

Red Tegu

Dwarf Caiman

Caiman Lizard